CALLED UP named TRR Top Pick!

OhWowOhWowOhWOW!!!! I just got the news today that CALLED UP was named a TRR (The Romance Reviews) Top Pick! From Delta's 5 STAR review:

I just love Ms. Doyle's lighthearted yet delicious voice, her fabulous blend of humor and heat that of a much more seasoned author (did I mention this was only her second book?). She has earned a spot on my auto-buy list, and I'm super excited for the next story in this über excellent series!

Bottom Line: CALLED UP gets a big YAAAAAAASSSS from this reviewer! If you dig well written, sweet, funny and erotic romance with a firm HEA, do yourself a favor and pick this series up!

(Read the full review here.)

I won't lie. Book Two was a tough one to write. I can't even begin to say what this means to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you, to Delta and The Romance Reviews!

The Romance Review