adriana anders

Facebook Party Jen-Style

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Because I can't ever go about anything in a straightforward way, for the Facebook Party celebrating the release of CALLING IT (on Monday, April 11, just in case I haven't mentioned that, oh, a billion times already), rather than just have a flat-out party, I decided to go with a theme approach. A theme within a theme, in fact.

There's the baseball aspect, of course, complete with a starting lineup of ten authors (designated hitter included). But then there's also the part where each of those authors represents a specific aspect of my journey to publication. So since we're ten days away from my release date (!!!!!!!!!!), I thought I'd do a ten day countdown on my Facebook page, introducing one guest author per day in the order in which they'll be appearing:

7:30  Marina Adair (Featured TONIGHT [3/31]) 7:50  Lisa Marie Perry (Featured on Friday, 4/1) 8:10  Nicole Michaels (Sat., 4/2) 8:30  Adriana Anders (Sun., 4/3) Inserting Designated Hitter, Anna Harrington, here. :)  (Mon., 4/4) 8:50  Jennifer Hallock (Tues., 4/5) 9:10  Melissa Cutler (Wed., 4/6) 9:30  Joanna Shupe (Thur., 4/7) 9:50  Sheryl Lister (Fri., 4/8) Inserting 7th Inning Stretch here, which mixes everything up entirely, but is appropriate so that we can take a break for my in-person CALLING IT A Book Party on Saturday, April 9 (if you're in the Boston area and are interested in going, please see details on my Events and Appearances page) 10:10  Shannon Stacey (Sun., 4/10)

To see all the posts, like my Facebook page at:

And to join the party, please go to: (and click on the "going" button). We hope to see you there!